Have you ever noticed that when news agencies report on a statement or interview with a politician, that the politician blames some other entity for current problems? Ex. It's G.W. Bush's fault! It's Obama's fault! The Democrats caused this mess! The Republicans are blocking progress! I anxiously await the day for a politician to take responsibility for the mess that our country is in.
Good leaders follow a principle called, "window and mirror". This means that when they accomplish something good, productive, or beneficial, they shine the light on others (out the window). They downplay their role in the accomplishment and focus on all of the people on their "team" who contributed to this success. Transversely, when their is a failure or mistake, a good leader looks in the mirror and takes full responsibility for the error.
Wouldn't it be refreshing to have political leadership that practiced "window and mirror" leadership!?!?! Imagine how politics might be different if finger pointing was only used to praise other people instead to blame them? With that kind of humility, politicians might actually get around to the business of fixing the problems in our country!
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